showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Exile II: Crystal Souls Spiderweb Software1995 exile-series grid grid-square group indie magic penalcolony labelimageminimize
Exile: Escape From the Pit Spiderweb Software1995 exile-series grid grid-square group hunger indie magic penalcolony labelimageminimize
Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol IPC Software;Decklin's Domain (Artifact Entertainment)1995 adv-intermediary adv-undefined amoeboids antimagiczones aspectratio-auto automap axes basic bludgeons charactercreation classbased conversion creatureidentification dejenol doors femaleprotagonist genderchoice giantanimals gridmove group groupcreation guild indoors installoslimit inventory magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minimap minions monsters multiclassing multiwindow noports safezone serious shopping skeletons sorcery specieschoice subterranean subterraneanrealm superclass swords taxonomy titularlocale undead visualbasic walking win95 windowed winnt4 xp-kills labelimagesubject
Arena II - The Final Fight For Freedom  author1995 aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange multiwindow sportsmanagement visualbasic windowed x86-16 labelimageminimize
Blades of Exile Spiderweb Software1996 exile-series grid grid-square group indie inventory licensechange magic penalcolony scenarios serious shopping sorcery labelimageminimize
Areena III  author1996 aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange magic mystics sportsmanagement visualbasic windowed x86-16 labelimageminimize
Exile III: Ruined World Spiderweb Software1997 exile-series grid grid-square group indie magic penalcolony labelimagesubject